About me

Con Son Island, Viet Nam 1968

In 1985 Clay Willis retired from a career in music that spanned 25 years with 3 years off for the Army and Viet Nam. He ran a home office small-business consulting firm until 2000 when he was recruited to Dornier MedTech America, Inc where he still works.

For the past 35 years he has been an informal and unaffiliated teacher of the Bible; for the past 18 years he’s answered e-mail questions on the Bible from the web site biblestudy.org. He found this ministry — one to one for the most part — the most spiritually rewarding part of his life.

Clay loves conversing and discussing the Bible with God’s people — all of them — independent or members of various human religious organizations as well as non-believers — those who haven’t realized yet that they too are God’s people.


He wrote a paper about 25 years ago delineating his observation of the Hand of God shaping our history and our present world. Years of continued research and some fortuitously provided data led to writing “The End from the Beginning”. That data is the most fascinating part of the book because this information in context has never before been published.

Clay is hoping there will be some intriguing and interesting dialog with people who read the book and then analyze, criticize, dissect and comment. There is so much yet to learn about how God works.

Clay Willis resides in Dallas, Georgia with his wife of 52 years, near his 3 daughters and 10 grandchildren.

“Don’t Call Me An Elephant!”