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Satan at work in our churches?

Why did almost all the preachers, priests, bishops, elders, deacons remain silent when their churches were forbidden to meet?

A “Wake-UP” Article for us all

Michael C. Hurly writing in The American Thinker makes the case that our most dangerous crisis is not the Covid-19 virus but the absence of faith among the leaders of our churches.

The article is called COVID-19 and the Smoke of Satan and it is DEFINITELY worth your time in reading.

A few quotes from the article:

 I was there when the Church of England forbade its priests to answer the urgent call of the NHS for additional volunteer chaplains to minister to the sick and dying, for fear that soothing and saving those dying souls might endanger the mortal lives of those priests.  It was then that I knew that this was no ordinary crisis, nor was it “about a virus.”

“[t]he Britain of today is a health-and-safety culture that has largely abandoned the religious faith that once gave it a sense of transcendent meaning.  As a result, it finds itself obsessed with every threat — real or imagined — to its materialist worldview and sees goblins of risk and impending doom around every corner.”

At the time I wrote those words, I scarcely would have guessed that the same observation could soon be made about much of the United States.  And for that matter, does anyone even recognize Australia anymore?  It is the worldwide nature of this psychosis, and the fact that so much of the world is blind to the madness that only a small minority sees plainly, that caused me to urge these British writers to wake up and recognize that the “vaccine” is not a cure, but merely another aspect of the disease, and that we are engaged in a battle not against a virus or for people’s health, but against fear and for their souls. [Emphasis -CW]

There is a kind of spiritual blindness that has descended over the Church and the world that is eerily apocalyptic in its own right

But nothing approaches the whopper told by the archbishop of Canterbury and his corollaries in the Catholic Church that by starving Christ’s flock of the bread of heaven and the comfort of their shepherds, we are “loving our neighbor.”  If we cannot detect the smoke of Satan in that statement, we have lost something far more important than our sense of smell, and we are in danger of something far greater than COVID-19


In reading and understanding the Bible, one learns that God seldom intervenes directly in human affairs, at least not supernaturally. He never violates the free will of His creations. Instead God works through His prophets and His people to achieve His will.

The same goes for the Adversary or Satan, if you will. In fact, since Satan was defeated by Jesus 2,000 years ago, Satan is forbidden – prohibited – from possessing or controlling human beings unless they deliberately invite him to do so.

Somewhere in the run-up to the year 2020, Satan’s minions laid out a plan to attack God’s people.

For many years our culture has been deteriorating and many of God’s people sat on their duffs and did nothing about the destruction of the way of life of most of Western Civilization.

However, there was a core of God’s people who were striving to live their lives according to God’s directions.

They went to work each morning; they ignored the ridicule of their way of life from the media and the constant slurs and insults thrown their way. They took care of their families and friends, did what they could to counter the evil flaunted by the media, Hollywood and the late night TV shows.

They held on to their faith in the Son of God and the New Covenant He installed when He established his church.

Satan has been unable to influence those people to give up their faith and follow him.

Then the plan developed by Satan’s minions was put into effect.

Here is what happened:

Using US taxpayers’ money funding and perhaps some US virologists assisting, a bat virus was developed in China, using “gain of function” molecular manipulation, creating a virus that was more contagious than the ordinary influenza virus.

More contagious but only slightly more lethal.

Working with Satan’s minions in the US Government bureaucracy, the Communist Party of China and perhaps other political factions in the US and abroad, they sowed the virus world wide by infecting thousands of Chinese, putting them on airplanes while the virus was gestating and flying them all over the world.

As the infections broke out in Wuhan, China and then all over the world, other minions provided false data greatly exaggerating the lethality of the Covid-19 virus.

They literally scared the entire world population out of their minds. How else can we comprehend the sudden appearance of masks in the USA and the nationwide hoarding of toilet tissue?

In years past, when a plague struck, the authorities attempted to quarantine the infected.

Satan’s plans included disrupting the economy so, following the advice of that Democratic Party strategist who opined, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, all across America, perfectly healthy people were ordered incarcerated in their homes and told to go out only in emergencies.

With Covid-19, upon seeing the panic of the public, the authoritarian-inclined governors, mayors and other political leaders were quick to approve unneeded quarantines or “lock-downs” on the pre-text of “flattening the curve” for “two weeks”.

The real purpose, in hindsight, was to prevent the gradual spread of the mostly minor infections with Covid-19 building gradual “herd immunity” as happens every year in “flu season”.

The stats from the first 18 months after February 2000 show a death rate (“crude mortality rate”) for the entire USA population as 0.03% among the population under 65 years old and 89% of those occurring in people with underlying medical conditions.

This mortality rate is only slightly higher than the rate in an average flu year.

Instead of developing natural immunity, masks, lockdowns and “social distancing” PREVENTED the development of natural immunity.

This was only possible with the assistance and compliance of the news media and social media world wide. In the US and some other countries, coupling this compliance with a promise that they could rid the US of Donald J. Trump was all the media needed to go full bore promoting the insanity and panic.

The entrenched bureaucracy in the US, working through the various departments like the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization, fell in line.

These normally reliable institutions were quoted by every newspaper, in every TV newscast and in ubiquitous fashion through Social Media and the Internet.

As Covid-19 was “breaking news” all over the world, one could almost hear the “journalists” breathless anticipation of the bureaucrats’ pronouncing the disease was now a “pandemic”.

That was only the start. The lockdowns, quarantines, face mask mandates and “social distancing” began to fall in place as “normal”.

Unfortunately, most of the more honest and normally US Constitution-minded political leaders, journalists and religious leaders did not have the courage to push back on these unlawful actions and many joined in enforcing them.

Only a few did resist and their resistance was quickly quelled by the cancel culture of the media. A church that met without the “requirements” that had several people develop symptoms or to have someone die of Covid-19 was “breaking news”!

Meanwhile, several states lead by New York, New Jersey and Michigan failed to protect those over 65 who were the most vulnerable to Covid-19 as they were for the seasonal influenza.

10’s of thousands died in nursing homes in those states as their governors ordered hospitals and doctors to force those long-term care facilities to admit those whose Covid-19 tests were positive. They died without their families and friends because those healthy people were quarantined!

This suited the “minions” just fine and the authoritarian governors, bureaucrats and insurance companies saw the expenditure for long-term-care drastically reduced.

Having secured patents on the procedures for producing “vaccines”, Satan’s minions manipulated public policy at all levels enforcing wearing useless masks and “social distancing”.

Businesses were closed; churches were closed; our economy was almost destroyed overnight.

The bureaucrats quickly provided large cash incentives for hospitals, doctors and financial staffs to claim hospitalizations and deaths were the result of Covid-19.

Some of the medical practitioners were honest. Many were not!

Extremely unreliable tests for the virus were reported in the millions as the insanely scared public lined up to be tested multiple times even if they had no symptoms.

In the USA, with a population of 333 million of whom less that 40% have gone through the Covid-19 tests, as of November 25, 2021 the World-o-meter charts show more than 747 million tests have been recorded.

Since much less than 134 million people have had the test – as further proof of the insanity raging in our country – they average having the test about 6 times each.

As soon as the real statistics started showing that the virus was only slightly more lethal than the annual influenza imported annually from China, the MSM opted to emphasize the number of “cases”.

The fear-porn in the media only increased throughout 2020 and the first part of 2021.

By years-end, the “vaccines” became available – emergency use only approval by the FDA – using mRNA technology that was unproven and untried without the normal 5-10 year testing procedures required.

As the still insanely-fearful public lined up to get “jabbed”, Satan’s minions began to push for universal vaccination.

Like lemmings going over the cliff, corporate executives, business owners, hospital administrators and many political leaders fell right in line.

No consideration was given to the millions of people who had experienced only mild cases of Covid-19 (just as takes place with the annual influenza virus) and without doubt most developed strong, healthy antibodies1.

Those antibodies would resist not only reinfection with the original virus but would most likely resist any virus variants that would arise and at least relegate them to just mild infections like the original.

However, those who were frightened or forced to accept the “vaccination” now find themselves even more susceptible to the variants and the death tolls and “case numbers” are continuing to surge among the vaccinated in the US and around the world.

What new fear mongering will the minions come up with next?

Some of Satan’s minions admitted that the “vaccine” is not a traditional vaccine that prevents infections. But they claimed that it made symptoms milder and prevented hospitalizations and deaths.

The CDC changed the definition of “vaccine” on their web site.

LIARS! Now they admit that the vaccines do not prevent infection and neither does it prevent spreading the virus, nor does it prevent hospitalizations and deaths.

In simple language, the vaccine is useless!

What’s their answer to that? A series of “booster” shots over who knows how many years!

Why is anyone listening to these people any more???

Africa shows one way to deal with Covid-19

It would be humorous were it not so stupidly serious to read an article saying scientists are “mystified” that Africa is avoiding the continuing plague of Covid-19 like this one from the Los Angeles Times.

All one has to know is to recall how Satan’s minions have demonized every “over-the counter” or off-prescription drugs like Ivermectin and chloroquine to treat the virus when symptoms first appear.

Instead your family doctor, following the CDC and other guidelines (from the minions) will send you home with mild symptoms and no treatment until you have to be admitted to a hospital.

Then read of their wide-spread, almost ubiquitous use in Africa treating various parasites and malaria.

The most underdeveloped countries in the world in Africa are beating the Covid-19 virus because they were already treating many, many of their citizens with Ivermectin.

To top that, they also were not lucrative enough markets to warrant early influx of the “vaccines” that may be destroying the natural antibodies in the people of much of the developed world.

Only the African country of South Africa warranted importing the vaccines and they have 10 times the Covid-19 deaths of any other African country. They also just reported this week that they are having a surge now with a new variant that may be more deadly than the much-hyped “delta” variant reeking havoc in the most vaccinated states.

What can you or I do?

“Mystified” indeed! Since we know many of these people are not demented or stupid, we can look for other motivations and what is prompting their apparent ignorance.

The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome almost 2,000 years ago but seems to be describing Satan’s minions today:

21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:21–22 (NKJV)

Satan’s minions are rampant and, as Michael C. Hurly observes, “we have lost something far more important than our sense of smell, and we are in danger of something far greater than COVID-19”.

Where are our prophets? Where are our religious leaders actually leading the fight against the oppression and subjugations of their “flocks”.

Where are the brave, faithful, courageous leaders who are not afraid to name the liars in our media, in our government (both local and national), in our institutions? Who among them are brave enough to identify those pastors, priests, bishops and preachers who have sold out to the forces that are oppressing and attempting to subjugate their flocks to the will of the government?

Unfortunately, I don’t see any!

But perhaps God is reminding each of us that our religion is personal and individual – between each of us and our Creator.

No priest, preacher, bishop, elder, deacon or church leader can intervene in that relationship.

This means it is up to you and me and our brothers and sisters in Christ to individually resist the efforts of Satan and his minions, and – if possible – help our religious leaders reinvigorate their faith and follow the mission they chose.

If we don’t (and the resistance must be soon) our country and our way of life will be lost.

Regardless of what happens to our country, to our children and grandchildren, we must remember that we’ll have to stand before God in judgment of how we lived our lives and how we used the great blessings He bestowed upon us as a result of our having been born in this nation founded on individual and religious freedom.

That prospect should shake us to our core.