Culture Politics

Everyone is INSANE, ‘cept me and thee (I’m not too sure ’bout thee!)

I was born in 1943 just before the end of World War II.

WW II (1939 – 1945) killed or wounded 70 to 85 million people – 50 to 55 million of whom were “civilians”.

There are people quoted in the news media advocating our militarily confronting Russia over the Ukraine invasion – even if it risks WW III nuclear war (which would dwarf the WW II casualty numbers).

Whatever their politics, those people are insane1!

There are many, many people in our culture today who truly believe all Democrats or all Republicans or all liberals or all conservatives or all white people or all people with darker skin (etc., etc.) are totally evil and that we have nothing in common with and cannot tolerate “those people”.

Whatever their politics, their morals, their ethics, their race, their gender2 – those people are insane!

There are people who think they are so smart/intelligent that they have the right to tell other people what to do and enforce their will on others – whatever their politics, religion, bloodline, gender or size, those people are insane!

There are people who do not understand that any human government is prone to corruption and that the larger the government, the more corrupt it becomes. Those people are ignorant, or naïve or gullible; if they refuse to learn as they mature, or begin to try to enforce their beliefs on others, they may become insane!

There are people who are so self-absorbed that they take no notice of how their actions and words affect those around them; that they have no concern as to whether they are hurting others – those people are insane!

There are people who see the world around them, the sun, moon and the stars of this universe; who see the plethora3 of flora and fauna4 all around them; who experience the life in their own bodies; who believe that all these things exist by sheer accident and deny that there is a Creator5 – these people are insane!

Over the past two years, we’ve seen our governments shut down (mostly) small businesses, restaurants, exercise centers, churches and gatherings of any size; we’ve seen – for the first time ever – healthy people quarantined; we’ve seen mask mandates and social distancing enforced not just by federal, state and local governments but by businesses and the community “Karens” (both sexes included).

We’ve seen employees fired or forced to be injected with an untried, untested vaccine that is not truly a vaccine that may have many long term side effects. And now we see some health “officials” admit that the best protection from virus infection is to have the infection and get over it.

Many of the people who enforced and/or condoned those rules and regulations causing untold economic and psychologic damage to the general population are insane!

There is only one hope for “me and thee”; if we believe in the Creator, if we love God, our Father with all our heart, soul and mind and truly love our neighbors as ourselves, perhaps we and several million others will turn out to be “sane” after all and we may be able to at least partially resume living our “normal” lives.

My personal belief is that this year (2022) will see the ending of the “cusp”6 period that began in late 2019. Does that make ME insane? If you agree, are you (thee) insane? Ask me in January 2023 if we’re still around.

1 Insanity: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness2

2. There are two: one either is born with a penis and testicles or not; one is born with a vagina, uterus and ovaries or not. True hermaphrodites do not exist.3

3. Plethora: “a large or excessive amount of (something)”4

4. Flora and fauna: “plants and animals”5

5. Romans 1:18–32 The apostle Paul explains how failing to acknowledge our Creator warps our whole perspective on life – allowing us to become arrogant, insolent and ignorant.6

6 Cusp: “a point of transition between two different states.”