Culture Personal Theology


 This country can recover from the Covid-19 panic and economic disaster
 The present cultural and racial turmoil can be mitigated just like the virus
 We can return to loving our brothers and sisters and neighbors as ourselves
 We can treat everyone with dignity and respect
 We can restore peace and harmony with our families, friends and coworkers
 We can help our leaders govern by the constitution and “the rule of law”

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; ALL THINGS are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

 Each one of us must begin with honest, thorough self-examination and confession of our flaws to our Creator (of course He knows already but it cleanses our minds to admit our sins to Him)
 Each of us must act upon that repentance by insuring we don’t repeat those mistakes
 We must then encourage our families, friends and neighbors (those who will listen) to do likewise
 There is no need for public voicing of your beliefs (unless you are a preacher, prophet, minister, priest or church leader); let your “sermon” be the way you act and live your life
 Don’t expect the “teachers” in your public or private schools, colleges or universities to teach your beliefs and moral standards to your children. That’s YOUR job!
 Don’t expect politicians to do the “right things”; they get elected by convincing voters that they will do what the voters want them to do. Tell them what you want them to do in person, by phone, in letters or e-mail and by voting for those you think understand what you want them to do.
 Have faith and put your trust in God, Almighty (our Creator), talk to Him frequently, beg His forgiveness of your flaws and thank Him always for this great country He has given us and ask Him to sustain our country, our freedom and our way of life
 Get up off your complacence TODAY and work as hard as you can to make the world a little better for your having passed through it.

May God bless each one who reads this post, evaluates my thoughts, forms your own opinions and begins to work as you determine the best ways to restore peace, harmony, tranquility and love of God and our neighbors as ourselves to our daily lives.